Tuesday 5 June 2012

Brainstorm for ideas 01

One of the first thing that came to my mind while thinking of ideas for the theme 'global warming + recycling' was how i am going to print the art work. 
I wanted to have four different A4 size images put close together representing one image but then for weeks, it was just that in my mind. Later i thought of a showing an image of a tree asking to plant a tree for everyone of us on earth.So the 4A's would represent a tree when put close together but each A4 alone shows an image too.I came up with a title of 'lets grow peace in our backyard' as peace to me means harmony + greenery + calm + hippies + nature and colors. But this idea didn't go any further than this and i decided to post this anyway as i might still make up my mind to continue work on this. 

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